keskiviikko 2. marraskuuta 2011

Time flies

I've been ignoring this blog again for far too long. Now it's time to write at least something again : D (And in the previous entry I promised to try being more active.. ha!)

The pictures, they shall come first!

Here's my best Chinese crested pic so far, and I'm quite proud of it. Though now I see so many mistakes that  I should have noticed when I was coloring it : <  But that's how you learn!

I made this T. Rex for my little brother (It's a birthday card- he turned 10.) who's completely nuts about dinosaurs. I think it looks ok, but it could have been better if I hadn't done it in a rush as I did.

This, in turn, was made for my friend's birthday : DD She's really interested in astrology and she's a Leo in horoscope. I like this pic a lot, even though it's so simple and everything.. I just felt so nice and relaxed drawing it. I wish I'd always feel like that when I draw.

Oh wow, my first artsy thing in this blog that isn't a drawing! This is something I had to do for my arts class at school. We were all given a photo of a leopard and told to cut it to pieces. Then we had to make a new picture of those pieces and this idea just instantly popped to my mind. Maybe because I had been watching the movie 101 Dalmatians that week.. Hmm.

That's all the pics for now.. And then a little something about other things.
I've been in a pretty bad mood for the last weeks. I don't really know why. (Or actually there are lots of small things that I think might be causing it.. But I'd rather have just one bigger thing to blame so it would be easier to do something about it. Without having to change my entire life, 'cause that isn't of course even possible.) I'm so tired and tensed up all the time that I get real angry or real sad for even the slightest of issues and I hate it. (I've especially been raging for my mom, and I feel awful about it 'cause my bad mood isn't her fault. Even though she can be real difficult or annoying at times.) I'm been trying to get over it by sleeping more and focusing on doing stuff I like.. But it hasn't helped yet. Instead it has made me quite solitary, since "the stuff I like" means (at the moment) mostly reading, drawing, and watching movies. And sleeping, as was already mentioned. It's odd, for I've never really cared so much for sleeping before. I was always the kind of kid who wanted to go to bed as late as possible and get up as early as possible to maximize the time for playing and all.. Sleeping seemed like a waste of time. But at the moment I just _love_ it. I wish I could sleep for months, like the Moomins. : D (There's not much in the world I hate more than being angry/sad, and sleep is an excellent way to escape from that). But I'm quite sure I'll change my mind again when I'm back to my normal state.

Oh well, maybe I'll just try ignore the whole thing and wait for it to pass. I don't think it's such a big deal after all.

Agh, I'd like to write more now when I started but I guess I have to go to bed.. : C I'm going to have an exam  in Swedish tomorrow. I'll tell you how it went... maybe >8D One can never completely trust my promises to write here, or so it seems.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Minä leo! Se kortti on kyllä ihana, pidän sitä ikkunalaudalla ^^ kerran siihen korttiin istui perhonen ja otin siitä kuvan! Oliskohan se kuva jossain niin voisin näyttää.. Tuo dino on ihana<3
    Kiitos kommenteista myös ^^ Oli ihan hyvää se kaakaojauhe, se oli tummaa kaakaota ja kun sitä ei ollut liikaa niin ei maistunut jauhoiselta.
    Ja tiedätkö, tuo kollaasikuva on upea. Näyttää ihan vaatesuunnittelijan luomukselta

    1. Suuret kiitokset kaikista kehuista, ihan tässä ilahtuu ^^

      Ja Näytä toki perhoskuva jos löydät! On varmaan jännä : D Tiiätkö, minä en tajua tätä bloggeria kun se ei millään suostu minun tuolla hallintasivulla näyttämään että luen sinun blogia : < vaikka sielä sinun blogissa minä näyn kyllä lukijoissa. Ja toinen lukemani blogi näkkyy minulla. Liikaa käsityskyvylleni!
