lauantai 12. marraskuuta 2011

Getting ready for Father's Day

Father's Day is coming again! (here in Finland it's tomorrow) I'm making a cake and a card for my dear dad, just like every year. I've already bought him two presents too, but I won't tell about them just yet! (Just in case he'd read this.. He knows about me keeping a blog and he has seen me writing here.) Obviously I'm very busy at the moment so I won't write more this time, but I'll show you a sketch of the card.

I'm drawing a draenei from the World of Warcraft. : D My dad plays the game and draenei is his favorite race.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Sinun täytyy laittaa se tutoriaali siitä sateenkaarikakusta! Me wants! ^^

    1. Joo, seuraavaan kirjoitukseen koittelen saaha. : D pitäis vaan saada siirrettyä ne kuvat kännykästäni, ja siinä on latausongelmia. Mutta vielä minä sen kurjan selätän!
